Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Show & Tell Tuesday

It's Tuesday, so you know what that means! Show and Tell!

Here's what we've been working on this week:

Sarah's Vintage Fabric Heart

Rachel's Sheep Heid hat (designed by Kate Davies)
Detail shot of Rachel's hat—it's a sheep!

I'm working on an English paper-pieced hexie
project. Here's my progress!
So, what did you work on this past week? Leave us a comment on this post, and share your photos in our Flickr Group!

Happy Stitching,

Kelly is proud to be an editor for F+W Craft. She's also a quilter, blogger, sister, daughter, best friend, sewist, fabric hoarder, travel enthusiast, unpaid theatre critic, tap dancer, piano player and cupcake baker from Cincinnati, Ohio. Kelly loves all things quilted and stitchy, and enjoys sharing her creative process here and at Stitchy Quilt Stuff.

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