Monday, April 9, 2012

Monday Inspiration

Light lace shawls, robin's egg blue yarns, sunshine-y hues, and an excuse (like you needed one) to knit with linen . . .  yep, it's Spring!

from Madeline's Wardrobe

from Stockinette

from Twist Collective

from Good Knits

 from Quince and Co.

Happy Monday!

Rachel is a Craft Editor by day and a knitting addict aficionado by night. In addition to knitting, she reads, bakes really terrible cornbread muffins, and spends way too much time on Ravelry. She can be found as rachelthepeach on Ravelry, and just plain Rachel on this blog. She lives in Northern Kentucky with her fiancé, two dogs, two rabbits, and way too much yarn.

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