Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Show & Tell Tuesday

Hi Crafty Friends!

I'm so excited to share with you the first of a weekly post about the crafty things that members of our staff have whipped up. Every Tuesday, I'll share with you some of our own personal crafty endeavors from the previous week, and we'd love to hear about what you've been up to, too!

Please leave us a comment to tell us what you've been working on, and maybe we can all help inspire each other. And don't forget you can share photos of your works-in-progress on our Flickr page!

Courtney’s beautiful spring-time wreath. Tutorial found here.

Katy’s first Jelly Roll Quilt!

Sarah's quit top, made from a pattern in More

Shannon's gathering party supplies for a first birthday!

Some seriously delicious-looking cake pops by James.

My Improv Quilted Mug Rug. Tutorial found here.

 So what were you up to last week?

Happy Stitching,

Kelly is proud to be an editor for F+W Craft. She's also a quilter, blogger, sister, daughter, best friend, sewist, fabric hoarder, travel enthusiast, unpaid theatre critic, tap dancer, piano player and cupcake baker from Cincinnati, Ohio. Kelly loves all things quilted and stitchy, and enjoys sharing her creative process here and at Stitchy Quilt Stuff.


  1. all the projects are GOR.GE.OUS!! such crazy talent!


    1. Thank you so much! It's certainly nice to be surrounded by such creative people. :-)

  2. I posted photos on the FlickR site of things I knit and sewed for grandchildren.

    I love these projects! I especially enjoy the tutorials and links to the books. I am really happy to find I already purchased a featured book!

    I am completing another Heirloom Baby Blanket. I have some stitching holidays to sew before trimming the seam allowance and washing and drying it. This one is white Swiss Flannel with barely Ecru Cluney Lace Edging. Hem stitch is sewn using pale pink silk thread that is slightly thicker than the 80 wt cotton used in the first stitching to attach lace to the fabric. This is for a new niece.

    I have pink and blue blankets cut out and heavily starched in readiness for the next blankets. I recently edged a blue one with bias quilt binding in a light blue plaid. It is not as soft on the edges than when using the lighter weight lace, but it was appropriate for the baby boy who had a Macho Motocross theme for his baby shower.

    I am knitting my first Fair Isle sweater for my husband. I have the book and DVD, but wish I'd taken a class. I will go to my local yarn shop for some help.

    1. It sounds like you've been super busy! I can't wait to check out the photos you've posted on Flickr! And I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of that sweater! :-)
