Thursday, October 11, 2012

Creating Custom Piping with Fat Cording

Have you ever tried to create custom piping cord for an upholstery project using thick cording, only to find it difficult to maneuver under the sewing machine for precise stitching? Well, here's a tip you'll love that uses something totally unexpected - a picture hook. Who knew?!

We pulled this video of Kathy Barnard, editor of Sew Beautiful magazine, from an edition of Martha's Newsletter that was sent out to subscribers in 2011. "Stitchin' with the Staff" was a fun section of the weekly newsletter written by Martha Pullen Company staffers that allowed them to share what they were currently working on. Usually related to heirloom sewing, machine embroidery, company happenings or other fine sewing, when we saw Kathy's upholstery tip, we found it was something we crafters could really relate to! It's such a resourceful idea, we just had to share it with you again today for Home Dec Month. Enjoy!

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