Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sew Along Final Check In

How are y'all coming on your doll dresses for the National Craft Month Sew Along? I hope you're sewing along with me and having a good time doing it!

Here's what I've gotten done since the last time I checked in:

Working on the pockets...

Gathering the skirt...

Almost there!

If you're participating in the Sew-Along, don't forget:
  • Finish your doll dress and send me a picture of the completed dress at this email address no later than March 24th. (Entries received after March 24th will not be eligible for judging.)
  • On March 26th, Joan Hinds (author of All Dolled Up) will announce one winner from the final photo submissions based on the quality of construction, the use of spring- or summer-time fabrics, and the creative quality of the final photo.
  • The winner will receive a copy of All Dolled Up, a copy of the next issue of Stitch Craft Create, and a surprise selection of fabric from the Martha Pullen Store.

Happy Stitching!

Kelly is proud to be an editor for F+W Craft. She's also a quilter, blogger, sister, daughter, best friend, sewist, fabric hoarder, travel enthusiast, unpaid theatre critic, tap dancer, piano player and cupcake baker from Cincinnati, Ohio. Kelly loves all things quilted and stitchy, and enjoys sharing her creative process here and at Stitchy Quilt Stuff.

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