Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thanksgiving Craft: Felt Turkey Leg Brooch

In preparation for Thanksgiving, we though it would be fun to do a simple how-to for a felt turkey leg brooch. He's petite, coming in at just 2.5 inches wide, making a perfect little accessory to wear on your lapel for Thanksgiving dinner. Make it yours by stitching a greeting or initial onto the front piece in cream thread, or whip up some corn and pumpkin pie to go along with your tiny felt feast!

What you need:

  • Turkey leg template (provided below)
  • Scraps of brown and cream felt
  • Brown and cream floss or perle cotton
  • Small amount of fiberfill
  • Safety pin or pinback
  • Fabric glue (We recommend Fabri-Tac)
  • Embroidery needle
  • Scissors

To save and print above template, right click (Windows) or control-click (Mac).

How to create:

  1. Use provided template to cut out two turkey legs from brown felt and two bones from cream felt.
  2. Blanket stitch bone pieces together around entire perimeter with cream floss or perle cotton.
  3. Place turkey leg pieces together so that bone sticks out from short end. Blanket stitch all layers together around perimeter of turkey leg with brown floss or perle cotton, leaving about 1.5 inches open to stuff. Insert a small amount of fiberfill and blanket stitch opening closed.
  4. Glue pin in place on back of turkey leg. Glue a tiny scrap of brown felt on top and whipstitch into place to secure.

Want more Thanksgiving craft ideas?
Join us this Thursday evening, November 15 at 7:00 p.m. EST (6:00 p.m. CST) as we partner with (@CraftFoxes) for their special Thanksgiving Twitter Party! You could win great prizes just for participating, so follow along at hashtag #HolidayFox. Click here for more details!

1 comment:

  1. Shannon I love these... I think I found my thanksgiving day craft w my kiddos... Thanks...
